domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

A Semelhança

A vida é semelhante a um teatro, nós somos meras personagens nestes capitulos , set's ou atos , passamos várias situações reais e ficticias , amamos e deixamos de amar , onde acreditamos e daixamos de acreditar , criamos e destruimos o que fizemos , concertamos e estragamos de novo , fingimos , escondemos , e tudo isto com receio de perder a pessoa que mais se ama ou o objectivo que queremos alcançar .

Mas infelizmente, assim como no teatro tudo tem um fim seja com propósito ou sem propósito , e no fim todas as personagens , todas as situações e todo o tipo de sonhos e sentimentos que durante a vida tivemos deixam de existir , mas iremos ser sempre recordados pelos espectadores que durante este mesmo teatro tiveram ao mesmo tempo os mesmos sonhos , sentimentos e objectivos que nos mesmos quisemos para nós .

sábado, 9 de junho de 2012

My Second Re-Birth

It was a rainy and cold night, I was walking trough the forest...

And there was me, alone with my toughts trying to not let my self get carried away by the bickering that people around me have given me.
I was allways very lonely and I chose to be like that because I have a fear and that is I can hurt someone without having the itention to do, so by my words or the way I can be, and the only way to don't make that happen is allways get away from any situation that can make me hurt someone with no means.
Suddendly I started to feel like I was fainting and I heard a howling brought by the wind.

I fainted and fell on to the muddy ground...

Moments later I awoke, and in front of me I saw a Dark Wolf staring at me like if he was going to attack me showing his fangs filled with blood and his eyes full of rage and hate trough his wire-haired fur, on his paws I saw big and shiny claws.
I got up pretty fast and I started to run from the Wolf, but he stood still where I was layed down when I fainted.
So step by step I got near the Wolf I was scared but I felt like there was something about him that I needed to know, when I was close enough from him, he was calm by then so the Wolf stared me again, and he sitted right by my side.
Still scared I started to move my hands filled with mudd toward the Wolf's wire-haired fur and then I started to pet him, somehow I felt safe.
By my surprise on my right I saw a dead bunny that got killed by the Wolf, so that was when I found out that the blood falling from his fangs was from the dead bunny.

And so I asked the Wolf...

" Why did you spare my life ? "

The Wolf looked up to me and by telepathy he answered my question...

" You were brave enough to face your fear and you came back next to me, and also because we need your help "

With the Wolf's answer I became confident and my fears became gone.

I asked...

" How am I able to help you ? "

The Wolf started to bite me, then again I fainted.
I awoke and the Wolf was staring at me with gratitude and pride in his eyes.
And so I became what I am today.
Half Man, Half Wolf.
And if on the full moon night you hear a howl it is me who is calling you to meet me at the darkest forest .